Genealogy in the Emigration Museum Hamburg

At the BallinStadt Family History Center, you can access Ancestry, the world’s largest online genealogy platform, on-site. Go on an interactive search for emigrated ancestors. Of course, not only the unique Hamburg passenger lists with nearly 6 million entries are available to you here. You have access to 19 billion historical documents and images worldwide. At several computer terminals you can do your own research at the Emigration Museum Hamburg. The family research is supported by our partner Ancestry and is free of charge in the museum.

Ancestry Membership

Are you interested in becoming a member of Ancestry? From as little as 9.99 euros/month, you can try out the world’s largest online platform for family research from the comfort of your own home. Click here for the different memberships!

If you have any questions about the various Ancestry offerings, Ancestry’s German-speaking support staff is available free of charge Monday through Friday between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. by calling 0800-7246105.